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  • Putting up posts along the top edge of the gravel ramp side slope between which we will hang a rope to stop people falling down the slope. Putting up 'feather' strip to keep the birds out around the loading bay door. 
  • Having moved a lighting circuit a week ago, work could now continue removing some more internal wall in order to widen the entrance to a side storage area. The wider entrance is required to make it easier to move boats on trailers in/out of the storage area. 
  • Today we had to move a light switch to allow for a section of internal wall to be re knocked out. The section below the red line will be cut out next week. This widens the entrance to this storage area.Elsewhere work continues on preparing the underside of the catamaran Venture for repair and painting. 
  • The Old Buoy Store in Stromness has finally been surveyed as part of our feasibility study to find out if it can be utilised as an OHBS Boat Haven.